One week of unsupervised practice

45 min before the piano lesson last week, I sat down next to Piano Girl to listen to her pieces.

She couldn’t play them. Not any of them!

At her lesson she was giggly and distracted. She was falling off the seat, making random comments about unrelated topics and she reminded me a little of a teenager who knew she had been caught out.

The thing is, I had been hearing her play all week – but listening from a distracted distance as I scooted around the house cleaning, gathering, packing – I was a tad disorganised. My new school Mummy routine has me up (very) early to get all of the organisational stuff out of the way before the cherubs wake up. This week I am reinstating that routine.

Bottom line: Little people need supervision.

Just as they need supervision when they brush their teeth and eat their vegetables. No child is going to remember to practice each day AND remember what they are supposed to be practising.

“But sweetheart, I’ve heard you practising all week. What have you been playing?”

“My own pieces”

Well, I can hardly be cross about that!